Sunday, June 20, 2010

Get A Wii?

Where can I get a wii in gainesville FL? If u got one how did u get it?


try all your game stores. there really hard to get cousin just got one but we had to go all the way to ny to get it. u can call bestbuys or stores like that and ask when there coming out. other wise no stores really know because nintendo doesnt tell them . so just wait good luck i waited in line at walmart sorry Yesterday, Circuit City had min. 9 per store and Best Buy had min. 20 per store. If the demand in your area is low, you may still be able to grab one from these retailers. the wii frenzy is over now..u can get them when the new shipments come in every three weeks or so... if you type in your zip code here it%26#39;ll tell you stores in your area getting the Wii and when and how many they%26#39;re gettin why spend money on a wii when you can get it for free? just go to this site and complete a few quick tasks and they%26#39;ll send you one - at no charge!

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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