Friday, June 18, 2010

Halo 2 ending!?

OK umm anyone who stuck around after the credits on Halo 2 sees the video with Cortana and the giant flood. Does this mean that Master Chief must kill Cortana? Is Cortana really evil? If so what will the next Halo be about?


THat ending was actually talked about in, a legit encyclopedia about Halo, its really cool. Cortana may give info to the giant flood form,Gravemind, because gravemind said"i will ask and you will anwser". Then Cortana said " okay, shoot". IN the Halo universe its not uncommon for AI such as Cortana to turn their backs on humans. THey wouldn,t do it in the threat of being ridiculed by other personal, but since Cortana is stuck in a humanless place"delta halo" She might want to say info without being threatened

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