Friday, June 18, 2010

Halo 2, is there any swearing on it, and is there a reccommended age limit?


Rated M for mature (17 and up) swearing of what I remember but a good load of bloodshead and violence! Hell Yeah raeytaemoyearm jny9i5nymj54a8m6yjn 5ios4yj7o unyj5ioynat m4ea6tn43ynat4tne6tmeyerne5ana...

Well it%26#39;s rated mature so you should be atleast 17 to buy it, under that is arguable, and yes there is a touch of cussing just one or 2 words but a TON of violence (aka nothing BUT violence), online there are kids who are like 11 playing it which I feel is too young, not because of the violence but they don%26#39;t know anything about sportsmanship online, you beat them fairly because they%26#39;re nubs and suck and they call you a cheater and report your as$ 10 times. Its Medium level violence age 15+ (thats what it says on the cover)

I love the game and so does my 14 year old son, I dont think there is any swearing.

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