Friday, June 18, 2010

had xbox 360 for crimbo.playing call of duty on and it has froze twice is it faulty?


I,ve had mine 9 months and its just started freezing now, rang Xbox help and it works every time i ring them, very annoying!!! I reckon its buggered like take it back and get a new one. Make sure that you have the 360 flat on a surface, if it is in a vertical position it can scratch the disks. We had the same problem and just returned the 360. You may need to buy a new disk.. Check the bottom of the disk to see if it has circular scratches on it...if so, I think that its lost. Try checking that the game disc isn%26#39;t dirty or damaged. You can get disc cleaning sets from most GAME stores. That%26#39;s usually the problem if one of my games freezes.

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