Sunday, June 20, 2010

gears of war 2?? for xbox?


This is a no brainer. GoW sold tons of copies, so you know there is a sequel in the works. If you look at the average turn around for sequels, look for it to be out sometime in 2009 Hasn%26#39;t been announced. It would be on Xbox 360, not Xbox.

They never finished the first game. Why make a second one? I don%26#39;t think they can allow that to play on XBox 360. but only xbox. It will absolutely be coming, only for the 360 of course. Release date hasn%26#39;t even been hinted at, but I would guess Holiday 2008, maybe %26#39;09. Gears of War 2 is most likely going to be released in

January 2009 along with the game Timshift. They%26#39;re both going to be mad nice, have 120$ ready by then, you won%26#39;t be dissappointed. (I hope)

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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