Is someone asks you to join their party when they invite you how do you do that to go to their party ....................Ty illl give the best asnwers sme point ...
Answer: On xbox live you when someone sends you either a message or a game invite on halo a little blue box pops up on the bottom right corner of your screen (my screen, neway) and it should make this weird sound and will say like "Message from (name)"
or "Game Invite from (name)" once you get that you press start and press the Y button to bring up your friends list
highlight the person that sent u the message or game invite.
it should now display a list of options like
send message
remove friend
choose accept to join their party.
HOWEVER if the host or "party leader" as they call it in halo decides to close the game when ur friend sends u a game invite you cant join
Open custom game=any friend or clan member can join anytime
Invite only custom game= you must have in invite to play in that game
closed custom game=the game has basically been locked, nobody can join, and once you leave you cant come back unless the host opens up the party.
Also if your friend has entered matchmaking you cannot join no matter what because what matchmaking games do is like
ok lets say you enter matchmaking in say....Team Snipers.
You will be randomly paired up with people of(or close to) your rank, and taken to a Sniper match server. because of this, nobody can join a matchmaking game. you can leave however.
think of matchmaking as a custom game that stays permanently closed...
different matchmaking playlists such as team slayer or team skirmish or w/e can carry different sized parties.
for example
Team slayer, Team snipers, Team skirmish and a couple others will only accept partys of 4 as you will be matched up with other parties of 4 people to play with.
But then playlists like rumble pit, rumble training, team training, etc will allow partys of up to like 8 or 9 to go into matchmaking.
The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.